First Year Students (Especially National Diploma Students) YOUR MARKS DO MATTER!!!


I remember how relaxed my S1 classmates where when we first arrived. We were more focused on getting to know each other and enjoying our newly found freedom that we only aimed to pass and not get high marks. We thought we had all the time in the world and that our first results from our first year in varsity would not matter as long as we passed.

We were wrong!

I attended a university of technology that required the students to go for their in service training in their second year. With many of the students coming straight out of high school and never having had a job in their lives, their marks were all they had to show to employers that they were capable.

books and percentage

When it comes to recruiters looking at your CV, it is all good and well to have been a prefect and the debating captain in high school, but if you could only just passed AutoCAD and were barely hanging on in Survey then you were not of much use to the company.

No matter what anyone tells you, if you have to do in service training then your marks need to be good. You are going to be competing with your peers. Your Basketball and Debating award is not much compared to a student who aced his drawings, math and survey modules.

Another good reason why you need to participate in your classes and keep your marks well above average is that lectures will be more willing to give you letters of recommendations or will give you permission to put them down as your referees on your resumes.

Many lecturers at technical universities usually have contacts in the industry. Thus, if you impress them they just might give you the introduction you need to get into a good company.

Good in service positions are hard to find as competition is stiff. Do enjoy your time at varsity but remember to keep your eye on the ball!

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